Getting there very quickly :D
I've bought some of those replica Tarramundi pots (same thing but cheaper!). Cameron has a superstar son one.

Alyssa has a party fund one (only red one there was lol).
Charlie has the best brother one.

And we have the Dreams fund!

The kids will smash theirs open the week before we go and I'll change it into dollars for them while they're at school so I can hand it to them when we tell them we're going :D
I think they all have about £20 each in theirs already and we've got over a year to go yet! We may need to smash them before, they'll be full before then, and get another each :D They're only £5 compare to £25 for the real ones!
The dreams fund has nothing smaller than 50p going in so once that's full there should be loads in there! And we're putting notes in too so I'm hoping at least £1k when it's full!!! :D
Apparently when full of £2 coins it amounts to £1k, so we might make that target if we include 50's and £1's but also notes too :D
That can be a big chunk of our spending money then :D In the meantime if the dollar rates gets to a good amount I'll put some more on my fairfx card.
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