It's getting very close now, 22 days to go!!!
We've pretty much got everything sorted now!
Music is now sorted for the wedding and we've added an aisle and palm trees for the altar :D
Got directions, hope, to everywhere we need, although we will have the ipad and laptop and a sat nav once we've got it from Walmart so we should be fine.
I've memorised the route from Sanford airport to Walmart for the sat nav and some food for the villa, although I'm nervous about driving there for the first time so I hope I'll remember!
All outfits finished, I think we have everything we need although I do have that 'we've forgotten something really important' feeling!
Our total spends hasn't gone up that much recently as we've had to dip into it for other expenses but today I topped it back up to where it was the last time I posted and I've also just topped up the new fairfx card with $100 so our total spends now is $3700!!!
Out if that we still have to pay for the rest of the wedding, which is around $700 (or $1000 if we decide to add a videographer!), and $93 for the wedding licence bringing the total to a minimum of $2600, possibly $2900, which is still a good amount :D
We have a couple of 'free' days, meaning already paid for, Discovery Cove is paid for with unlimited food and drink all day and Cinderella's Royal Table is already paid for.
Our wedding planner is ringing shortly for a phone rehearsal since we obviously can't do it in person. We've already discussed the colour of the flowers, position of the aisle/palm trees, music player, photographer etc and it's going to be a purple and white theme. We're all in white, purple flower basket and ring pillow, purple flowers for me and I think either purple flowers or complimenting colours for the aisle.
Then we have the sand ceremony which should be really nice, and the sea shell wishes too. The boys outfits are in the suitcase already, they'll just need ironing. Alyssa's dress is hanging up and mine is in it's wedding dress bag hanging up, we'll put those in at the last minute and hope they unwrinkle themselves once we're there, we have 12 days once we arrive until the wedding so they should do :D
Very excited now!! The kids folders are getting there, the DVD needs re-burning as it skips so we'll have to get a blank DVD to do again!